失格で物議の加藤未唯、ボールガールと笑顔で2ショット 海外称賛「誇りに思います」
【写真】「なんてすてき」と海外ファン称賛 女子テニス・加藤未唯と三つ編みボールガールの笑顔の2ショット
愛車は日本にわずか5台の超希少アメ車…ハーレーも乗りこなす52歳俳優のクルマ&バイク愛(JAF Mate Onlineへ)
I'm glad to hear that you are doing well and continue to Volunteer as a Ball Girl. It makes me very happy to hear this. I hope you enjoy the gift that I got you, and I look forward to seeing you again! Wishing you the Very Best! pic.twitter.com/EvCg6M8zSw
— Miyu Kato / 加藤 未唯 (@miyukato1121) June 9, 2023