「日本のファンはレベルが違う」 西武の元メジャーリーガーが生観戦した東京Dで「熱狂感じた」
愛車は日本にわずか5台の超希少アメ車…ハーレーも乗りこなす52歳俳優のクルマ&バイク愛(JAF Mate Onlineへ)
This was the most electric I have ever seen a baseball stadium. You could hear a pin drop when Ohtani was pitching but was non stop singing, trumpets and drums when the Japanese team was batting. The WBC means everything and the Japanese fans are on a different level! pic.twitter.com/NtKasmq4HW
— David MacKinnon (@DCMack30) March 17, 2023